Vanguard has jumped the artificial intelligence bandwagon after integrating machine learning into its managed stock funds. According to a Bloomberg report, the American registered investment advisor has set in AI across several active stock funds with a combined $13 billion under management. This comes at a time when the World AI Cannes Festival is just around the corner, making the move in tandem with market sentiments.
Vanguard integrates machine learning for actively managed stock funds
Vanguard Group has been subtly implementing machine learning in several actively managed stock funds with a total value of $13 billion. According to Bloomberg reports, the move is quite opposite to how Vanguard functions as it is “known for its traditional approach to investing and hesitancy to pursue cutting-edge technology like cryptocurrency”.
The report also states that approximately a year ago, during the ChatGPT frenzy that engulfed global markets, the second-largest asset manager in the world had artificial intelligence into four factor-based funds. The wager is that systematic techniques will become more adaptable to shifting market and economic situations with the aid of new linguistic and target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>thriving despite this decision, however staying away from a heavily used Bitcoin ETF might not be in the best interest of the firm. CoinGape had also previously reported that Vanguard might reconsider its position on the Bitcoin ETFs after an X report showed the firm’s reps apologize for their previous crypto skepticism.