The leader of the Shiba Inu developer team, known to the community as enigmatic Shytoshi Kusama, has shared a post published by The SHIB Magazine earlier today. It is about the new edition of the magazine and Shytoshi marked this tweets as “ICYMI”, adding that it is “Kinda important…”
The tweet he shared was about the new special edition of the SHIB Magazine dedicated to Valentine’s Day. It contains an interview with one of the SHIB team members – the social media marketing lead Lucie who often shares messages from the SHIB developers on her Twitter account.
Earlier this week, Kusama addressed the SHIB community with another Valentine Day’s message, urging them to prepare their wallets.
ICYMI because you were busy with your love… 👇👇👇 Kinda important…
— Shytoshi Kusama™ (@ShytoshiKusama) February 15, 2024
SHIB community’s mixed reaction
Shytoshi Kusama faced a mixed response to his tweet. Many posted enthusiastic and Valentine Day-themed replies. Some, however, began criticising Kusama and the whole developer team of Shiba Inu for lack of updates about Shib burns. Shytoshi was rebuked for avoiding discussing SHIB burns and preferring to publish the magazine instead: “Have you joined any other part-time job?”
Another user pointed out that he has prepared his wallet as Kusama told everyone to this week but nothing had been transferred to it.
What’s the joke? We’re asking for updates on the burning issue, and you’re busy printing newspapers and magazines. What exactly are you trying to say? Have you joined any other part-time job?
— Sam’N’wit (@samanwit2009) February 15, 2024
Back on Monday when this message was issued, Kusama indeed published a message on Telegram, teasing the community with a message “prepare your heart (and your wallet), as if hinting at an airdrop or something like that. No extra details followed.
Updates and clarifications from Shytoshi
Besides, in a tweet published on the same day, Kusama shared a video teaser about an upcoming new collection of NFTs for women called “Sheboshis”. According to the latest issue of SHIB magazine, the urge to “prepare your wallet” was to do with the new NFT collection.
Kusama stated that this is part of an experiment to test the new 404 Eth standard on Ethereum. These new Sheboshis NFTs will be airdropped to users’ wallets. He promised that blog articles which are to follow soon will provide more details on that.
Shytoshi also shared other updates in the article, including ones on the Shiba Eternity game and Shibdentity. In particular, he stated that the game is being upgraded to fix all the bugs and address cheater problems.